The National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) was established under the Public Procurement Act of 2004 to perform oversight functions and advise the Government of Sierra Leone on Public Procurement management. Public procurement is a significant means through which the government of Sierra Leone meets its development needs through the provision of physical infrastructure and the supply of essential goods and services. Public Procurement is thus a significant national development tool, the effective management of which the national oversight body considers extremely important.
Since the establishment of NPPA, public procurement expenditure in Sierra Leone has increased significantly, thus bearing increasing pressure on NPPA more than ever before to perform its duties more vigorously and in a more professional manner, such that the Government of Sierra Leone could maximize its returns on public expenditures as one of the goals of the Authority is to ensure that the government of Sierra Leone spends its money wisely and delivers best value for money.
The upgrade of this website was made possible with support from the Integrated Public Financial Management Reform Project, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and the government of Sierra Leone. NPPA had established and managed a website for several years to disseminate salient information to stakeholders and enhance their wider participation in public procurement in Sierra Leone. Over the years however, this website has not only proved to have limited platforms for the increasing demand for database and information on public procurement management, but the website has also developed dormant platforms.
Thus this upgraded website now provides a better functioning site that does not only reflect modern and effective web design techniques but also communicates more effectively to diverse stakeholders across the globe.
The Chief Executive and staff of the National Public Procurement Authority sincerely welcome you to this website at this crucial era of globalization where the use of information technology has spread across the universe.
By this significant venture, the National Public Procurement Authority has set up a dedicated website on which all public bodies could post information such as invitation for bids, Annual Procurement Plans, Summary of Bid Evaluation reports and notices of procurement awards.
Finally and from now onwards, suppliers, contractors and consultants will view on this website features such as current and future bidding opportunities and even download bidding documents where permitted and also view evaluation reports and recently awarded contracts.
Ibrahim Brima Swarray
Chief Executive

The inputs of the individuals in the crowd trigger the crowdfunding process and influence the ultimate value of the offerings or outcomes of the process. Each individual acts as an agent of the offering, selecting and promoting the projects in which they believe, and social identification.
- Equity
- Reward-based
- Litigation
- Debt-based
- Charity
- Equity
- Reward-based
- Litigation
- Debt-based
- Charity
Online petition
Send your petition to NPPA!
Public procurement in Sierra Leone is subject to the Public Procurement Act 2016 (Gazette Vol. CXL VII, No. 10). Legislation can only provide the overall rules to be followed, and with the increasing value and complexity of procurement, effective guidelines and step-by-step procedures are required to assist civil servants, all public officials and other individuals involved or interested in the procurement process.
Sound public procurement practices and policies are essential aspects of sound governance. Good procurement practices can reduce costs and produce timely service delivery. Poor procurement practices generally lead to delays and waste and are often the cause of government inefficiencies and allegations of corruption.
Consistent application of the guidelines presented in this Manual will substantially improve public service delivery efficiency whilst reducing the perception and actual occurrence of corruption in public procurement in Sierra Leone.